
更新时间: 2018/08/22 来源: 点击数: 139172


    中国国际法学会和北京大学国际法研究所,联合邀请德国洪堡大学国际法教授、联合国国际法委员会委员Georg Nolte先生于201897日下午在北京大学做客座讲座。讲座主题为“Practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties and the identification of customary international law - according to the International Law Commission”。欢迎大家参加并参与讨论。



讲座人:Georg Nolte,柏林洪堡大学国际法教授、联合国国际法委员会委员、前主席

讲座主题: “条约解释和习惯国际法认定的相关实践:国际法委员会的立场”

Practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties and the identification of customary international law - according to the International Law Commission





Georg Nolte教授简介:

Georg Nolte is Professor of International Law at Humboldt University Berlin (since 2008) and Co-Chair of the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”. He is a Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations (since 2007, Chair in 2017), including Special Rapporteur for the topic “Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in relation to the interpretation of treaties” (from 2013-2018). He is an Associate Member of the Institut de Droit International. From 2013-2017 he was President of the German Society of International Law.

 His recent publications include “The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary”, Oxford (OUP) 2012, (co.-ed. with Bruno Simma, Andreas Paulus & Daniel-Erasmus Khan); The Interpretation of International Law by Domestic Courts, Oxford (OUP) 2016, (co-ed. with Helmut Aust) and Treaties and Subsequent Practice, Oxford (OUP) 2013 (ed.); Community Interests across International Law, Oxford (OUP) 2018 (co.-ed with Eyal Benvenisti).
